Category Archives: The Measure Of Things

Strangely, I Was Ignored

Yet again.

Frequent Webby honourees and also were winners taking home awards for best humor and best TV website, respectively.

Probably because I can’t leap tall buildings in a single bound.

You Drink It

One Third of all dispersant chemicals?

No one knows, or will admit to what’s in them?


Tell Them What You Think

Human rights in America. The State Department wants to know what you think.

The Federation of American Scientists asked the State Department to turn its attention to those cases where a resolution of alleged human rights violations has been barred by the government’s use of the state secrets privilege.

“There are innocent individuals who have been swept up in U.S. Government counterterrorism operations, wrongly detained, ‘rendered’ surreptitiously to foreign countries, subjected to extreme physical and mental stress, or otherwise wronged,” we wrote. “In some cases, like those of persons such as Maher Arar and Khaled el-Masri, efforts to seek legal remedies have been blocked by the Government’s invocation of the state secrets privilege. As a result, the alleged abuses committed in such cases remain unresolved, and there is no way for the affected individuals to be made whole.”

Let The Women Choose

After all that’s where the rubber meets the road, he said, tongue in cheek, with tongue in cheek.