Monthly Archives: March 2010

Wrap That Rascal

Some things Health Care Reform can’t address,

The World Health Organisation is to meet next week to consider the growing threat from a sexually transmitted infection which has developed resistance to most known antibiotics.

Gonorrhoea is the second most common sexually transmitted disease in the UK after chlamydia with 16,629 cases recorded in 2008. Anecdotal reports of resistant cases from around the country suggest the infection could become “extremely difficult to treat”, according to Professor Cathy Ison of the Health Protection Agency’s Centre for Infection.

Just your bi-annual reminder.

A Nation Building We Will Go?

Not to throw monkee wrenches into the works, but, what are these great minds planning postwar?

If you know what I mean. Or are they thinking just dropping ordinance and everything will be hunky dorry like it was in Iraq?

If not then one might wonder if we plan to finance this war ourselves or do the war hawks plan on robbing their grandchildren to pay for this one too? Or shall we take the money from farm subsidies? Out of the Pentagon’s budget?

I think it is a fair question to ask, “What will the world look like when you’re done?”, as well. What are the unintended consequences, and blow back, if we may, for the United States? We have to bear in mind that AIPAC is not there to advance American interests, but Israeli.

What’s in it for the United States?

Sarah’s Baby Now

Crowley newborn with heart defect is denied insurance coverage

That turned out to be d-transposition of the great arteries, a defect in which the two major vessels that carry blood away from the heart are reversed. The condition causes babies to turn blue.

Surgery would correct it, but within days of Houston’s birth March 15, Tracy learned that his application for health insurance to cover his son had been denied. The reason: a pre-existing condition.

“How can he have a pre-existing condition if the baby didn’t exist until now?” Tracy asked.



Oh yeah via the other tube.

Less, But Not Without

Back to loving the Queen only?Hold me back from calling them Blighty.

Dude Can’t Hold Water

I’m glad it isn’t just an American problem. It’s like the spitting ultra-Orthodox in Jerusalem, barely worth knowing they are there, but worth ignoring as a gauge of anything intelligent or informed.

Oh, It’s All The Rage

Outliers meet the Mittster.

… As no less a conservative authority than The Wall Street Journal editorial page observed last week, the bill’s prototype is the health care legislation Mitt Romney signed into law in Massachusetts. It contains what used to be considered Republican ideas.

I know the right hand shouldn’t know what the left hand is doing, but once in a while it would be nice if they would wash each other just to stay in contact.

It is sort of like the poll I referenced yesterday, just how many of the 50% disapproval is liberal disapproval? It may approach half, although using highly secretive polling methods I would say 30- 38% of that 50% is liberal.

It has also come to my attention that everyone just assumes that 32 million people will immediately show up a the doctors office. I don’t think so, access to doesn’t equate with necessity, and I doubt single young males are more inclined to visit doctors than they ever were. either.

So the relatively small crowds following the Alaskan legs are probably just good television and poor politics. I suppose one could hope they set off a bomb in the Senate gallery and destroy the conservative movement altogether like the Weather Underground did for liberalism, but I would rather deal with conservatives as Republicans, instead of as moderates in the Democratic party.

Understanding My World

NBC just informed me that one line out of the President’s speech was a warning to the liberals in his own party, (*objection your honor, drawing conclusions…) and that 50% of the people in a new poll disapprove of the health care plan, without informing me how many of the 50% are liberals.

I hope no one at NBC wonders why I posted this. *They probably just want their names in the bloggy lights.


Do you think Richard Nixon could go to China today?

And If You’re Patient

You can drag and draw your way to New York City.

Kosmic Komedy

When Christopher Hitchens and William Donohue discuss with FOX News which liberal value it was that led the church to fail, if the church indeed did fail.

While I think individual priests that broke the law need to stand trail in the courts, I also think, one, the current sex scandals cannot be attributed to an institutional policy, and two, they’ve had worse scandals in the past, which is why celibacy is the policy today.

FWIW, FOX will air this speech by the President today, I suppose, in a show of Bi-partisanship.

Update:Just to be clear about things, I’ve seen several erroneous references to the Pope’s infallibility.

This dogma, however, does not state either that the Pope cannot sin in his own personal life or that he is necessarily free of error, even when speaking in his official capacity, outside the specific contexts in which the dogma applies.